Roast Chicken Stock - Brown Chicken Stock
This roast chicken stock recipe gives you a hearty, richly coloured stock.
If you want a more intense colour, leave the onion skins on, add some tomato skins or a whole tomato.
What can you use brown chicken stock (or if you want to be fancy and use the French
cooking term: fond brun) for:
- Richly coloured soups.
- A risotto that is made with darker meats like turkey.
- Gravy for roast chicken.

As with all stock making, you have to watch the scum that forms on the surface at the beginning of the cooking process.
By adding the vegetables later, it is easier to skim the scum off.
I find that for the first while the scum forms about every 10 minutes, and then tapers off. The ideal time to add the vegetables is when there is no more scum forming.
Preparation time: 10 min
Roasting time: 30 - 45 min
Cooking time 2½ hours minimum but up to 6 hours
Yields: 1.5 to 1.75 litres (2 ½ - 3 pints)
(ideally this should be about half of the liquid you added to the recipe)
Pre-heat oven to 200 °C (400 °F, Gas mark 6)
- 2kg (4 ½ - 5 pounds) chicken backs, wings and legs cut into 2.5 cm (1 inch) chunks
- 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2.75 litres (5 pints) boiling water
- 2 onions quartered
- 2 leeks halved
- 3 carrots chopped into 2.5cm (1 inch) chunks
- 3 - 4 sticks of celery cut into 2.5 cm (1 inch) chunks
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 sprig of fresh marjoram or ¼ teaspoon dried
- 1 sprig of tarragon or ¼ teaspoon dried
- 6 peppercorns
- 1 tablespoon salt (optional)
Method for making brown chicken stock on the stove top
- Check the chicken backs and make sure there are no organs still attached. The lungs and livers are best avoided as they make the stock cloudy and especially the livers give the stock a bitter taste.
- Place the chicken and onions in a roasting pan and sprinkle with the oil.
- Roast for 30 - 45 mins, stir around and turn after 15 min.
- Place roasted chicken and onions in stock pot.
- Add some of the water to the roasting pan and de-glaze it and add to the stock pot.
- Add the rest of the water, herbs and pepper.
- Bring to the boil, skim and then simmer for 1.5 hours, skimming occasionally.
- Avoid stirring the stock as that will make it cloudy.
- Add the vegetables and simmer for at least 1 more hour.
- If you leave the stock pot uncovered you will end up with a more concentrated stock. If you prefer to cover the pot you will end up with more stock, but it will not be as concentrated. You can reduce or concentrate the stock by returning it to the pot
once it has been strained and boiling it rapidly. Ideally your final amount of stock should be half of the amount of liquid you added to the recipe.
- Season with the salt or to taste (optional).
- Strain the roast chicken stock and chill for 8 hours, remove any fat that forms on top.
- Store in the fridge for up to 4 days or freeze.
Method for making roast chicken stock in a slow cooker or crock pot
- Check the chicken backs and make sure there are no organs still attached. The lungs and livers are best avoided as they make the stock cloudy and especially the livers give the stock a bitter taste.
- If it is possible (check the manufacturer's instructions), start heating the slow cooker or crock pot.
- My slow cooker has a low and high setting and I use the high setting to make stock.
- Place the chicken and onions in a roasting pan and sprinkle with the oil.
- Roast for 30 mins, stir around and turn after 15 min.
- Place roasted chicken and onions in the slow cooker.
- Add some of the water to the roasting pan and de-glaze it and add to the slow cooker.
- Add the rest of the ingredients.
- Close the slow cooker and turn it on if you haven't done so already.
- I find that the hardly any scum forms when making roast chicken stock in the slow cooker, but once the stock has come to the boil remove any scum that might form.
- Simply leave to simmer for 6 hours or more.
- Season with the salt or to taste (optional).
- Strain the stock and check the quantity. If you have more than 1.75l or 3 pints, you can reduce it by boiling it rapidly on the stove top.
- Chill the roast chicken stock for 8 hours, remove any fat that forms on top.
- Store in the fridge for up to 4 days or freeze.

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